- Adel Imam
Adel Imam Films List

El Mahfaza Ma3aya

Adel imam , Noura , Samir Sabri , Ali El hariri , Ibrahim Abdel Rezak , Salah Nadmi , Farouk Falkous , Zakariya Mouafi , Laila Jamel , Saif Alah Moktar

Release Date :1978
Video Description : El Mahfaza Ma3aya was released in 1978 years. Adel imam in this film using its own and unique way criticized the corruption of some high graduated people.
Video Details :
Dial-up: 56k - 240x180, 15 fps, Flv ~96 kbps
ADSL: 256/512k - 320x240, 30 fps, Flv ~250 kbps
Broadband: 1024k+ - 400x300, 30 fps, Flv ~768 kbps
Audio Dial-up: 22 kHz, Flv, 1(Mono) ch, ~56 kbps avg
Audio ADSL: 22 kHz, Flv, 1(Mono) ch, ~64 kbps avg
Audio Broadband: 44 kHz, Flv, 2(Stereo) ch, ~128 kbps avg

Number of View: 119427


El Mahfaza Ma3ayaEl Mahfaza Ma3ayaEl Mahfaza Ma3ayaEl Mahfaza Ma3aya

56k Lowest Quality

256/512k Medium Quality

1mb High Quality

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24 Rating: 5.7/10 (1000 votes cast)


Adel imam in this film plays the role of Atwa and here again a robber . Atwa was robbing poor people from many place (auto bus , stadium , cinema ...) .

And Coincidentally Adel imam met his old friend which was a very popular man .

Since Adel imam in sprite of being a robber was  honest men he asked his friend about possible work .

His friend fired him and asked him to never some back . Atwa was pretty angry and decided to rob his friend , From here the whole story start since Adel imam found some very important document about the work of his friend.

Later his friends agreed to give Adel imam a work .

The film end with Adel imam in the jail after being cheated from his friend .

Name :
Comment :

adil imam is zeker een van de redenen dat Arabische(Egyptische) films door andere culturen en landen worden bekeken als er meer acteurs waren zoals hem en meer geld en tijd in de film industrie werd gestopt zou het veel beter zijn dan Hollywood niet alleen door de humor die geen ander land bezit maar door de sterker verhalen en geweldige acteurs net als adil, faried shw2y, nour el shereef, en veel veel meer !!! LOVE EGYPT W RAbINA Y5LILNA EL MOmaSLEEN EL KOBar EL DYMEN MSHRFINA

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hele goede film en alle films van adelimam zijn goed


imad maroc
l3azzzzzzzzzzz adil imam

kamal q
aim like is

good very good


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