- Adel Imam
Adel Imam Films List

A dangerous recorder

Adel imam , Salah kabil , Hatem Do el Fakar , Said Abdel Gani , Moustafa Metwali , Sana Shameh , Mohamed El Dafrawi , Hadil , Mohamed Abou El Inin , Nadiya Rafik

Release Date :1991
Video Description : A dangerous recorder or Mosagal Khatr was released in 1991 . This film was played with many well known Actor such as : Adel imam , Moustafa Metwali ,Said Abdel Gani , Hatem Do el Fakar ...
Video Details :
Dial-up: 56k - 240x180, 15 fps, Flv ~96 kbps
ADSL: 256/512k - 320x240, 30 fps, Flv ~250 kbps
Broadband: 1024k+ - 400x300, 30 fps, Flv ~768 kbps
Audio Dial-up: 22 kHz, Flv, 1(Mono) ch, ~56 kbps avg
Audio ADSL: 22 kHz, Flv, 1(Mono) ch, ~64 kbps avg
Audio Broadband: 44 kHz, Flv, 2(Stereo) ch, ~128 kbps avg

Number of View: 207331


A dangerous recorderA dangerous recorderA dangerous recorderA dangerous recorder

56k Lowest Quality

256/512k Medium Quality

1mb High Quality

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63 Rating: 6.5/10 (1915 votes cast)


Adel imam in this film plays the role of robber called Said tabaka . The film start with Said tabaka in the jail and it was saved much time by Mustafa .After some time Said and Mustafa  gets out of the jail .

Now it became clear that Mustafa was in the jail in order to hide its friends in exchange of money required for his ill wife and daughter . Being free Mustafa found that his wife was dead (his friends have not helped his wife), and he asked about his part of money .

Mustafa was very angry and decided to steal some money from his friends and his asked for the help of Adel imam , this last agreed .

From here Mustafa die and tabaka remain alone with Mustafa daughter moreover Adel imam was pursuit by  Mustafa friends which planned to kill him .

For more detail watch the film.

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yes i am huppy

Meester Suber
Ana Gayy Ahuuuwaaa!

go to front mr adial amam




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